Goodbye 2024, Welcome 2025

With the end of 2024 approaching, I am making a large announcement with everything that is to expect for 2025! So stick with me - it'll be worth it!


First and foremost, I want to remind you all that my giveaway will be open until tomorrow ! On Wednesday, I will announce the two winners, and start working on their prizes!


As some of you are aware, last year I had to increase my Prices to take into account VAT. All of you were incredibly supportive of it, and I am so grateful for all of it. In order to give back to you all, I made the decision to host more giveaways throughout the year - so keep your eyes peeled!

For this year, I want to give a shot to Adoptables and YCH (Your Character Here) type of commissions, as well as finally open my Character Sheet type of commissions! So if that is something that interests you, let me know!


My dormant Newsletter will be coming back, but this time under a Monthly format! With all the new additions to my set-up, I believe a longer and slower read will be a little more interesting!

Thank you so much for all your love over there, and for keeping up with me!


My streams will be coming back!! We already had a little bit of an ease back to everything, but there will be some new stuff happening on stream?! Well!

The schedule will be:

Stream Schedule




3PM - 7:30PM




3PM - 7:30PM


If any changes are to happen, I will announce it through Discord! As of this moment, I am unsure when exactly I will be back to streaming, but the sooner the better!


Now- the biggest change of all. I am bringing back memberships. This was something that has been in the works for a very long time, but now felt like the right time to make the jump.

You can subscribe to both my Ko-fi and my Twitch ! Bellow you will find the rewards for each tier - and hopefully the more subscribers, the more rewards you will receive!

Can't wait to do all of this with you!